Emil Pedersen

EK Programming Language

EK Programming Language

EK is a mixfix dynamic functional strict and impure programming language.


Hello World

import std

fn main = print "Hello, World!"

Fizz Buzz

import std

fn repeat (f) from (a) to (b)
    = if a > b then void
      else (f $ a) >> repeat f from (a + 1) to (b)

fn fizzbuzz (n)
    = if n % 3 == 0 && n % 5 == 0
        then "FizzBuzz"
      else if n % 3 == 0
        then "Fizz"
      else if n % 5 == 0
        then "Buzz"
      else n toString

fn main = repeat print _ . fizzbuzz _ from 0 to 100

Other Features

GitHub Repository | Slides (French) | Getting Started with EK (Wiki)